Monday, April 28, 2014

So things have changed for me a bit...

A couple weeks ago, I fell down the stairs and this is the result.  Three days after this happened, we headed to DC for Easter.  I LOVE DC! And this time, I got to see it from a completely different perspective of a wheelchair : )  I do think I got a bit spoiled being surrounded by my family and friends.  It almost made me forget that anything had changed.

When we got back into town on Tuesday, I began to see what life would look like for the next few weeks, and it is going to be very say the least.  Now, my proud moments consist of getting a cup of coffee up the stairs without spilling it, rather than the multitude of diy projects I had planned.

My apologies for being completely absent for a while.  I found my motivation was taken away with my mobility. But I woke up today with a new attitude, and hopefully I can stop lamenting what I can't do, and actually focus on what I can.

Because, truly, what do I really have to complain about?

 I have made some new friends...

...and I get to see beauty up close...

...and sometimes the big picture is easier to see when you are not right on top of it...

...and it is good to remember how small you are in the whole scheme of things...

 ...and it is even better to remember that sometimes, you CAN NOT do it alone...and that's ok because...

...even though he steals my wheels sometimes, he makes me SO HAPPY : )

I hope you all have a wonderful week!  

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